Use "overeat|overate|overeaten|overeating|overeats" in a sentence

1. People usually gain weight because they overeat, but what makes them overeat?

2. A child with Bulimia overeats or binges uncontrollably

3. He as advise not to overeat.

4. You will tend to overeat this week.

5. You overeat, smoke, drink, bite your nails etc.

6. Anorexics may overeat before purging themselves or vomiting.

7. The tavern owners stampeded us into overeating.

8. By the time your body signals that it's full, you've overeaten.

9. Habitual overeating has distended his stomach.

10. Binging Definition: Overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself

11. When a person is found to feed themselves, have often overeat.

12. You want longevity and overeat, you want friendship and exploit.

13. What made people overeat, she said, was insecurity and immaturity.

14. The eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating.

15. 1 One effect of overeating may be obesity.

16. And skipping meals tends to make you overeat later.

17. Some people can overeat without putting on much weight.

18. 3 Obese people find it difficult to stop overeating.

19. Are bulimia and compulsive overeating the opposite of anorexia?

20. "Beaky Overeats" is the 25th episode of Ready, Steady, Wiggle! (TV Series 2)

21. He had also overeaten, so that when he relaxed, he dozed off to sleep.

22. 4 Overeating is surely the main cause of obesity.

23. This strategy prevents overeating, since you're never ravenously hungry.

24. You need to watch your weight - have you been overeating?

25. For some people, overeating can be a compensation for stress.

26. 11 Some children refuse to eat at all and others overeat.

27. 14 If you overeat at night to unwind or relieve stress, find a substitute.

28. You need't go on a diet, but you must eat sensily and mustn't overeat.

29. Since you're not being told by the brain to stop eating, you overeat.

30. (Galatians 5:19-21) Overeating often accompanies drunken bouts and revelries.

31. If you continue to overeat, you might be just like Michael Hebrank.

32. The consequences of overeating can include diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

33. It's time to end the self-defeating cycle of overeating and dieting.

34. If you overeat at night to unwind or relieve stress, find a substitute.

35. If they are overeating as a result of emotional distress, there are cures.

36. If you plan what you're going to eat, you reduce your chances of overeating.

37. Another side effect of missed breakfast is you'll be more apt to overeat at lunch.

38. And sweet and creamy fruits make us feel good inside, so we may overeat.

39. This means that they overeat at every meal and eventually this leads to obesity.

40. Identify situations in which you tend to overeat and think of coping strategies for these times.

41. The physical consequences of compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia can be severe and even fatal.

42. For others, it might mean therapy to root out the underlying causes of overeating.

43. Most other Western countries are overeating, and the developing countries are fast catching up.

44. Thinking about food between meals, after meals or all the time predisposes snacking behaviour and overeating.

45. But it will take you longer to eat and thus you are less likely to overeat.

46. Compulsive overeating disorder is an eating disorder that affects your ability to control your eating habits

47. Apart from over-sleepiness, symptoms include: lethargy, overeating, depression, social problems and loss of libido.

48. The eating disorders include compulsive overeating and severe anorexia, both being found in some patients.

49. The main symptom of Bulimia is compensating for episodes of overeating by trying to purge the food

50. But the proper function of these regulatory centers can be damaged by a prolonged period of overeating.

51. Examples of Corpulent in a sentence After overeating for months, the skinny girl became somewhat Corpulent

52. Overcoming Overeating may be a powerful way for some women to break a long habit of compulsive eating.

53. Glucophage lowers glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity, so you'll be less hungry and less likely to overeat, explains Cederquist.

54. It was also taken as a useful remedy for lack of appetite as well as for overeating.

55. Patterns of overeating, starving, purging, and thinking obsessively about food can be replaced with a reasonable diet.

56. Bloat definition, to expand or distend, as with air, water, etc.; cause to swell: Overeating Bloated their bellies

57. Cruciferous vegetables are rich in fiber and low in calories that keep us full and satisfied without overeating

58. The Bloodhound has the tendency to overeat so regular exercise is a must if this breed is to stay healthy and active

59. To get rid of Bloating, get a good night's rest to keep you from overeating the next day

60. And one night, as we groan from overeating, she offers to teach me the pleasures of a fast.

61. Binge: 1 v overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself “The kids Binged on ice cream” Synonyms: englut , engorge , glut , gorge , gormandise , gormandize , gourmandize , ingurgitate , overeat , overgorge , overindulge , pig out , satiate , scarf out , stuff Type of: eat eat a meal; take a meal n an occasion for excessive eating or

62. Dr Polivy's guess is that non-dieters perceive that they may have overeaten, so they feel as though they should take it easy on the dessert.

63. If you have Compulsive overeating disorder, you may consume excessive amounts of food even when you are not hungry.

64. Most of the unfortunate consequences surrounding this rich delicacy come not from simply eating chocolate , but from overeating it .

65. But you should be careful and not to eat too much of them, because they swell in your stomach and you can feel like you've overeaten afterwards.

66. BG: If you get into that situation, it's like if you've been overeating, and you're about to have a heart attack.

67. Research on the Appestat suggests that if you listen to your body’s feelings of fullness, your body weight will be naturally controlled, since you won’t overeat.

68. Without even being aware of it, some rob themselves of years of life by overeating, overdrinking, insufficient exercise, and pleasure seeking.

69. Overeating, eating too much of junk food, eating too quickly and not chewing your food properly are some of the most common causes of Acidity.

70. By making minor modifications to your digestive process, Anorectics can give you an artificial feeling of fullness in your stomach – meaning your desire to overeat

71. Premenstrual overeating, Binges, and emotional eating are often part of an overall hormonal imbalance that can interfere with your life in so many ways

72. Bulimia is an illness in which a person Binges on food or has regular episodes of overeating and feels a loss of control

73. Her parents told the researchers that the woman had received therapy for her "bulimic attacks, " and that over the past several years she had experienced periods of overeating.

74. Legato. 'And as your thinking improves, your immune system improves, your digestion is better, you don't compensate by overeating or drinking, and your anxiety levels go down.

75. Apart from food, there are many other facts that cause Acidity like smoking, alcoholism, irregular and untimely eating, overeating, stress, excess caffeine intake, to name but a few.

76. It is much better to live according to Bible principles than to engage in drug abuse, smoking, heavy drinking, or overeating and then when sickness follows, turn in desperation to faith healing.

77. What we've done is found a way to deliver the scents that can be added to food, in the form of flavorless crystals called Tastants, to prevent people from overeating.

78. Jesus said: “Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare.”

79. Alternatively, high-Carb foods can cause large swings in blood glucose and insulin that may increase hunger and lead to overeating,” said NIDDK Senior Investigator Kevin Hall, Ph.D., the study’s lead author

80. Remember the inspired advice: “Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare.